Sunday, April 30, 2006

Science Fair 2006

Last week we had the Science Fair at my school. There where lots of really intresting projects on display. Me and my friend also entered the competition with our project on Robotics. We designed and build our robot using LEGO Mindstorms 1.5 and hope that we have a chance on winning. We had to enter the competition as exhibition # 13!!! Actually the school was supposed to tell us who won on last wednesday but they are really good in making up excuses. On Wednesday for example they said that they can't tell us because one of the teachers, Mrs. Asma, was absent. - But she has got nothing to do with the Science Fair!!! I'll keep you updated on the results when I get them!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Good Site Award

Friday, April 14, 2006


Today I saw two (!) rainbows at the same time. I got no clue where they are comming from because the last rain was around one week ago. But they still looked really cool!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hi Guys! One of my visitors asked me to upload these pictures - so here they are!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Yeasterday we had really bad weather here in Riyadh. I was outside with my friends when a big Sandstorm pulled up and we went inside the house. To our luck because as soon as the sandstorm had passed we had really dark clouds hanging and it was raining badly. I'll try to get some pictures uploaded.
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